Without some tricks to keep you going during discouraging times you’re going to have trouble losing weight. I’m going to share some of my secrets with you that will get you through the times when it seems like you’re not making any progress. Every time when you’re not getting results, it’s tempting to quit. The problem is that it’s the people who get through the hard times that are successful.
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Just think about food. It’s easy to make it through breakfast and maybe even lunch without eating something that you shouldn’t. Most of us can relate to that. Even worse, think about trying to stay on the diet when you’ve not lost any weight for a week.
The truth is that you can only win if you stay true to the things you know are best. Don’t go for the cakes and pies as you drown in despair. Keep on exercising even if it seems like there’s no use.
You’re busy and you don’t feel motivated because you’ve not had results for a long time. This kind of experience is a dip. You want to give up when you feel pain or face discouragement.
When dips come, people usually respond in one of two ways: quit or change programs.
Changing programs is pretty bad because you’re beginning from scratch every time. Then you have to go even longer without results, so you’re working against yourself.
The key is to stay true to your program even through dips until you start getting results again.
You need to get a vision of what it’s going to be like on the other side when you have the body you’ve been dreaming of.
You’ll find reasons to eat right and you’ll keep going right through your workout. The first secret is to have the right frame of mind. Second, you need to believe in yourself. You won’t accomplish anything if you don’t think you can do it. Finally, get people around you who are going to be encouraging and supportive.