Since the founding of America, cannabis has been a hot topic of debate. From its use as a textile, its acclaimed healing effects, to the powerful narcotic that it releases. Some say that it should be illegal because it is dangerous, causing problems with our youth and crime in the urban communities. Others claim that it is the answer to all our nation’s problems, that it will cause crime to subside and reverse the national debt. Best Delta 8 gummies has the best taste available to the consumers. The selection of the best products is possible with proper research. The meeting of the needs and requirements of the people is possible with the best gummies. There are no problems available to the people with the products.
Is it right to live by the standards set so long ago?
With advancements in medical science, have we found that marijuana truly has a healing purpose?
Or is its narcotic too powerful and addictive for such a substance to be legal?
In the beginning, Marijuana was completely legal! As a matter of fact, it was promoted as an alternative to growing tobacco in Virginia both before and after the revolutionary war. People at that time did not grow it to smoke; they grew to renew nitrogen in the soils of their tobacco fields and to make textiles.
Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew marijuana, or “hemp” as it is called in the agricultural world.
Although various state laws making marijuana illegal can be traced back to 1913, the first national law about marijuana was not until 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act.
This law said that you needed to have permission to grow and sell marijuana, but, to acquire such permission you needed to show a sample of your product.
By simply attempting to follow the law you would have to break it and be arrested.
The Marijuana Tax Act made it impossible to continue to grow marijuana within the confines of the law. At the time, there wasn’t a huge outcry against these unconstitutional acts.
With church groups and other conservatives financing and releasing propaganda films such as “Reefer Madness” the American people were convinced that Marijuana was the Devil’s drug.
With church groups and other conservatives financing and releasing propaganda films such as “Reefer Madness” the American people were convinced that Marijuana was the Devil’s drug.
People commonly believed that if their children were to come in contact with Marijuana, it would ruin them. People thought that it caused murderous rages and brought people to such extremes as suicide and rape.
They also believed that it was mostly popular in predominantly black jazz clubs, showing that the initial outcry against marijuana was fueled by propaganda and racism.
Some of the most popular and influential people of the 20th century took part in marijuana’s rise- musicians like The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Bob Marley made songs about it, praising it.
Hunter S. Thompson wrote books and articles on it. To this day, television and movies show marijuana in a neutral, if not positive light.
A recent government study showed that over 83 million people in the U.S. over the age of 12 have tried marijuana at least once, and over 12 million had used the drug within a month of the study. But, it is still mostly illegal. In order for people to acquire it, someone must grow it. There are a good amount of peaceful growers in the United States, but, most marijuana comes from countries south of the border.
In order to control and protect shipments of marijuana, cartels have been formed. These cartels are notoriously violent, and have been known to kill innocent people in the process of moving their products.Tetrahydrocannabinol, or T.H.C. is the narcotic in Marijuana.
T.H.C. has acclaimed uses for people in cancer treatment, by reducing headaches and vomiting. Also, it is used for people who lack appetite due to HIV and AIDS. It is also know to inhibit brain function.
T.H.C. mimics natural chemicals in your brain, and confuses you. This is what gives the sensation of being high.
Many say that marijuana is a gateway drug. Meaning, that use of marijuana can and often will lead to use of much more dangerous drugs such as cocaine or heroine.
Others claim that there is no risk with marijuana, that it is not even addictive.
The question is:
Do the benefits of legalizing marijuana outweigh the risks?
Many people believe that if we make marijuana legal, and put a tax on the plant, we can solve many of America’s issues. The justice system would be much less stressed, overcrowding in jails would reverse, and much of the violence would end. People argue that we could use the new tax money to turn the country around, pay off the national debt.