
Patients whose physicians advise in writing that they “might benefit from the medical use of marijuana” may use, possess and cultivate marijuana for personal use. Legal possession is 1 ounce of usable marijuana and a card holder may cultivate six marijuana plants, three being mature. All caregivers must be 21 or older, no felony convictions for controled substance offenses. Caregiver must be listed by the patient as primary or alternate caregiver. Read Full Law

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Arizona allows the use and possession of marijuana for patients who have received written certification from their doctor. No patient may cultivate plants within 25 miles of a state-licensed dispensary. Arizona recognizes qualifyied patients from other states if they have a doctors recommendation or marijuana card issued by that state. Read Full Law


To be eligible for medical marijuana use in California a patient must have a written or oral recommendation from their doctor. A medical marijuana card is available but not needed in the state. A patient may possess up to 8 ounces of marijuana if recommended by a doctor. The state allows cultivatiion of six mature or 12 immature marijuana plants. Read Full La


Colorado requires a written doctors recommendation for legal medical marijuana use that states the a patient may benefit from using marijuana. . A doctor must perform a physical examination or already be treating the patient. A state medical marijuana card is required and minors are eligible if two doctors recommend it with parental consent.

A patient may possess 2 ounces of marijuana and cultivate 6 plants with only three being mature. Read Full Law


To qualify for a medical marijuana card in Connecticut you must first have a health condition listed on the state registry. Written recommendation is required by a doctor and you must be a resident of the state. Out of state cards are not legal in the State of Connecticut. Marijuana plants may not be grown in a patients home. One month supply of marijuana will be allowed. Read Full Law


To qualify for a medical marijuana ID card, a patient must have a qualifying condition and a physician’s statement that the patient is “likely to receive therapeutic or palliative benefit” from the medical use of marijuana. Must be 18 years old. Home cultivation is not allowed and a patient may possess 6 ounces and obtain up to three ounces of processed marijuana every 14 days. Read Full Law


To get a medical marijuana card in Hawaii you must have a qualifying health condition and get a written recommendation from a doctor that states you will benefit from using marijuana. Minors are included with parental permission. A patient may possess 3 ounces of marijuana and cultivate 7 plants with 3 being mature. Read Full Law


To qualify for a patient medical marijuana card in Illinois you must have a qualified health condition and a recommendation from a state licensed doctor. Certain public employees like police officers and firefighters are not eligible. Patients may possess 2.5 ounces of marijuana and cannot grow their own marijuana plants at home. Read Full Law


Medical marijuana cards in Maine are voluntary for patients and their immediate family caregivers. Patients must possess a written statement from their primary doctor qualifying their condition. Minors qualify with parental permission. A caregiver must not have any drug convictions and be 21 years old. Patients may possess 6 marijauna plants and 2.5 ounces of medical marijuana. Read Full Law

Maryland Research Law)

The law in Maryland is geared towards research patients and not for regular medical marijuana use in the state by the general public. A patient enrolled for treatment in an approved academic medical center can possess 1 ounce of marijuana but may not cultivate plants in their home. Read Full Law


A state issued medical marijuana card is required. To qualify a patient must receive a written recommendation from a doctor and have a registered health condition. Massachusetts allows a patient to possess a 10 ounces of marijuana or a 60 day supply. A licensed doctor can increase this amount if needed. Read Full Law


To obtain a medical marijauna card in Michigan a patient must have a qualifying medical condition and a written recommendation from a doctor stating the patient will benefit from marijuana use. Minors are eligible with two doctors recommending it and with parental permission. A patient card holder can possess 2.5 ounces of marijuana and cultivate 12 plants. Read Full Law


To qualify for a Montana medical marijuana card two doctors must agree to the recommendation in writing. A patient must also have a qualifying health condition under the law. Minors are eligible and require parental permission with two doctors agreeing that the patient has no other alternatives to treatment with marijuana. A patient may possess 1 once of marijauna and cultivate 4 plants, 12 seedlings. Read Full Law


Qualifying for a medical marijuana ID card in Nevada, requires a patient to have a qualifying condition and a statement from a Nevada physician who has responsibility for caring for or treating the patient that marijuana “may mitigate the symptoms or effects” of their condition. Minors are eligible with parental consent. Nevada recognizes out of state card holders with similar requirements.

A patient may possess 2.5 ounces of marijauna every 14 days and cultivate 12 plants. Read Full Law

New Hampshire

To qualify fo a marijuana card in New Hampshire a patient must recieve a written recommendation from a doctor or registered nurse and have a qualifying health condition. Minors are eligible with parental consent and written recommendation. New Hampshire recognizes out of state card holders with a medical marijuana card and written proof from a doctor that they have a New Hampshire listed medical condition.

A patient may obtain 2 ounces of marijauna every 10 days and may not grow their own marijuana plants. Read Full Law

New Jersey

A medical marijuana card can be obtained in New Jersey if a patient has a qualifying medical condition verified in writing by a licensed New Jersey doctor treating them for their illness. Minors are eligible with parental consent. Patients can possess 2 ounces of medical marijuana at a time and may not cultivate plants in their home. Read Full Law

New Mexico

To obtain a medical marijuana card a patient must have a qualifying medical condition and a written recommendation from a person licensed to prescribe drugs in New Mexico. A patient may possess 6 ounces of marijuana. A separate licensing application is needed to cultivate 4 mature plants and possess 12 seedlings. Read Full Law


To get an oegon medical marijuana card a patient must have a qualified medical condition and a written recomendation from a doctor. Minors are eligible with parental consent and a doctors recommnedation. A patient may possess 24 ounces of medical marijuana, cultivate 6 mature plants and 18 immature plants. Grow site must be registered with the health department. Read Full Law

Rhode Island

To obtain a medical marijuana card in Rhode Island a patient must have a qualifying health condition and a written recommendation from a doctor treating them. Minors are eligible with parental consent. Patients may possess 2.5 ounces of marijuana, cultivate 12 mature plants and 12 seedlings. Read Full Law


To qualify for a medical marijuana card a patient must have a statement from a Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, or New Hampshire-licensed physician, advance practice nurse, or physician’s assistant who has treated the patient for at least six months. Minors are eligible with parental consent. Patients can obtain 2 ounces of marijuana from a dispensary every 30 days and cannot cultivate their own marijuana plants. Read Full Law


No card required. To qualify a patient must have a signed statement on tamper-resistant paper from a Washington-licensed physician, physician assistant, naturopath, or advanced registered nurse practitioner who advised the patient of marijuana’s risks and benefits and advised the patient that he or she may benefit from the medical use of marijuana. A patient may possess 24 ounces of mariuana and 15 plants. Read Full Law

Washington, District of Columbia

Qualifying for a medical marijuana card requires each patient’s medical condition to be verified in writing by a doctor and it must be on the approved medical condition list for the state. Minors are eligible with parental consent. A patient may obtain 2 ounces from a medical marijuana dispensary every 30 days. Read Full Law

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Michael Valdez is a news writer and a social media influencer. Before joining, he used to be a news anchor at TV 5 News Station

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