What to eat to burn fat is commonly used as a question for many people. Although the real answer is easy. You only need to eat healthy foods. Like low-fat foods, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat foods that contain high amounts of protein. Because some of these foods is important to create a proper nutrition for your body, while also able to burn fat and build muscle.

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How about more specifics?

Because there are certainly most of us are sometimes confused with what kind of foods rich in protein? That’s why I mentioned here that the following are a few things about what to eat to burn fat you can consume at home. Namely:

First, consume as much as possible the egg on your food list. Because you need to know that every 7g/egg yolk contains half the nutrients protein, vitamin A / D / E and cholesterol, which naturally increase your testosterone levels. So you will get benefits if you consume this many times. Although some of you are worry about the cholesterol in eggs. But do not be confused, because if you have bad cholesterol, so it is better to lower your body fat rather than having to throw away the yolk.

Second, for what to eat to burn fat is fish oil. Which in addition can reduce inflammation (joints / skin), but you should note that fish oil can lower body fat and increase testosterone levels. While you always need 9000mg of EPA / DHA per day. Of fish oil become the most important thing to meet your nutritional needs.

Third, eat salmon. Because in addition to this fish is one source of omega-3 fatty acids and the best, but fish can also give you 20g of protein per serving 100g.

Fourth, eat yogurt. Because it able to improve your digestive health. With the sense of yogurt can help you burn fat. But one thing you should note that you should never buy a frozen yogurt or yogurt with added sugar and fruit. Because of yogurt with additional material, will not be maximized result as what to eat to burn fat.

Then the fifth is to eat red meat. Because these foods are rich in protein, vitamin B12, heme iron, zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega-3. So if you eat it, then you will easily get a high-nutrition food for much of the fat.

Sixth, whenever possible add broccoli or other vegetable foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale, spinach etc in your food list. Because in addition to vegetables is able to fight cancer phyto chemicals and anti-estrogenic. And be able to prevent heart disease. It is also rich in soluble fiber and low in calories, which helps decrease fat.

To seven, eat apples. Because the pectin in apples able to help you to lose weight by increasing satiety. Moreover, apples are also an anti oxidant strongest after the cranberry. Unfortunately the apple is one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits. Well, this all is what to eat to burn fat. Good luck to consume!

About Admin

Michael Valdez is a news writer and a social media influencer. Before joining springbreakerSmovie.com, he used to be a news anchor at TV 5 News Station

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